OK it's a new year and time to make good on a few promises. One is to post more. I need to do this. I need to expose this fantastic lie and make it truth. I am just like you, I am as human as you think you are. If you are TG you have no fears. I mean those that don't like us. Hate us. Despise us.
So today I am thinking that time has come to let me out of the bad feelings bag. Time to be the woman I am...the woman you might see here soon.
Not that I am living a lie... by NO MEANS. I am just growing and transforming into a new spirit. That's what 2011 means to me... I am just floored by the facets I have to overcome, but those things I will, I shall, overcome!
"Dancing shadows...firelight..."
I like Goth expression because so many I have loved were Goth and treated me right. They proved that I was not alone. I finally started to see that I was not bound to anything. It's like I am "driving myself to madness with a silver spoon." I see that I can't really separate from the old boys network but I can try to divide it up as best I can.
As 2011 opens I see that I can open new avenues in my life and let me reiterate that will be something I aim for. I am growing and I need to grow beyond being just a mere girl. I NEED to be a WOMAN.
I am not forsaking what I knew, not forsaking who I was for something else. I am just trying to find my own voice here and now. I have this incessant need to pursue some ideal of being who I am... like a shadow cast upon the the darkness where no one can resolve it without some insight.
I am that insight. Trust me. It's a huge undertaking for me. But well needed.
I am that black cat, pussycat that torments your dreams, I am your sunlight when you open your mind and accept that I am just as fluid and genuine as you. I am your dark shade. I am your Mistress.
There is no escape from music, it is my love. No way I am looking to abandon it anyhow! It's going to grow with me and hopefully you will see it grow and get better. It's my art, and my joy. It's the glimmer of light that my life needs to go on.
So as I wrap this up I am feeling less black than before and I am growing. I am that woman you never saw yet has always been there. I am here, you are there and my spirit is growing...everywhere.
As long as my spirit grows it is OK with me. That is what I want! "She's a restless spirit on an endless flight"
That's me!
Happy New Year to all who are reading this!
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